Thailand Travels To Kitchens in Castles

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Alison spends her life following what she is curious about and has built herself a personal toolbox that now allows her to live the life of her dreams.

A typical day in the office for Alison can look a little like this: traverse Thailand and stay with local families in their villages so her son can be immersed in learning about Thai cuisine, consulting on a kitchen design project for a castle in France, finally for dinner on a Tuesday whip up a beef tongue sous vide for taco Tuesday.

This episode has a surprising layer to it, life lessons to share with the youth in your life, my favourite from Alison:

"Support your kids passion in the moment and encourage them to follow what they are curious about and build their own toolbox."

What You Will Learn:

  • An in-depth look into a foodie’s travels in Thailand
  • What traveling with intention really looks like.
  • Tips on how to find your own unique culinary adventures when traveling.
  • How kitchens from around the world influence Alison’s own kitchen designs.
  • Listen carefully and you will get some great parenting advice on how to encourage curiosity in our children.

I can’t wait for you to hear all that Alison has to say. This is an episode to really savour, sit back, relax and enjoy!

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In My Kitchen helps women who are curious travelers to explore new flavours, new dishes, new cultures and I do that through my cooking classes with my team of hosts from around the world, podcast, and other resources. Thank you for listening to my podcast! I would love to hear from you, connect with me on Instagram (@inmykitchenpaula) or Join In My Kitchen Facebook Group: A Group For Women Travelers Who Love Food and Culture, and let me know how you enjoyed this episode.